January 2011: I am preparing for my first real visit to Detroit, the city of my birth. I am a Californian, where I have been since age one when my parents packed me into a car to seek fame and fortune in LA. It is strange to be defined by something unknown but when asked if I am a "native" Californian, I answer, "No, I was born in Detroit." It seems time to investigate what that means. So I have come "home" on my birthday to photograph Detroit.

This blog is part of an accompanying journal about the project.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Forging Ahead

With resolution of the bankruptcy filings on the November day I flew into Detroit for my second visit of 2014, among the many concerns of Detroit that are now being positively addressed and resolved, the arts are going ahead.

Just announced: the grand Detroit Institute of Arts has reached its pledge amount promised as part of the "Grand Bargain" that was achieved in Detroit's bankruptcy negotiations.   This is a stunning result exceeding earlier expectations and it should be noted that donations to achieve this funding goal - which aids as well the pension and investment partners in the Bargain - were not only from those within Michigan but also without, demonstrating the seriousness taken in terms of preserving this elegant American institution.


Below: A snap of a portion of the magnificent DIA hall painted by Diego Rivera and financed, surprisingly since it is so anti-corporate and pro-labor, by one of the icons of the auto industry, Edsel Ford.