Detroit continues as a news item in both the American and European photo/news market.
In the States, some say, "enough already," about the many stories - positive and not - emanating from this city. Some continue to worry - not without reason - that this almost caricature of decay over the decades could also happen to them.
Photos have been made, some haunting and emotional, most significantly by Andrew Moore in his lush, poetic and startling project, exposition and book: DETROIT DISASSEMBLED.
In Europe, the Steidl book of photographs by the Marchand/Meffre team, taken at the same time as Andrew's, is also significant in guaging the interest in this decline of the American industrial power.
At November's LensCulture/FotoFest/Paris reviews I just attended, I found still an increasing amount of interest in what is happening to this city, a now fabled one perhaps more in the moral sense of Aesop, yet with hope expressed for the future. I will return there this coming year of 2013 to continue my DETROIT: DEFINITION and I cannot wait to see the change after a year's absence.
In the interim, the Detroit Free Press, chronicles again hope for the turnaround that innovative spirit, youth and a government that is trying hard, seems to be successfully promoting:|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE